March 25, 2009

Tarot: 5 of Wind - The Right Way to Move

Crawl out of your cave! You have been hibernating too long! Spring is here - a time of joy laughter and play. Why so serious? Don't you realize there is much love wonder and awe in the world? I know we live in a horrifically wondrous time.

Seize the Day! Simple pleasures are the best! Without pain there is no pleasure. Observe - Listen - Meditate. Don't let the demons control your mind. Fill your mind with dreams of bright, radiant colors. Let the colors fill the path of the demons so the demons stumble and eventually fall. See them small alone and tired!

Once the demons are down spray them with fun - cover them with laughter - immerse them with joy! These ideas eat away at the demons so that they fall into a pool of memories that can be visited now and again.

Where will I move? I move to a place where Love is the glorious law. Take a look at the sky. Van Gogh once said that he never tired of looking at the sky. Simple pleasures are the best. I will stroll down the street and look at the sky. PEACE. The demons will always be there - this is a fact. But approached from the right angle demons can be turned into butterflies.

1 comment:

David Attwood said...

such a wonderful blog. Demons into butterflies! Wow! You are rock'n.